Lead Practitioner Accreditation

From January 2025 SSAT have launched a new system to support the Lead Practitioner Accreditation process.

Based on Microsoft Sharepoint the system offers a familiar interface for users and a more streamlined process for the accreditation.

The system is available to all participants in the programme, plus assessors and moderators.

Access to the Lead Practitioner system

Access is by invitation only. If you are a participant in the programme you will receive an email invitation to join the system.

No passwords are used, access to the system is based on a one-time code sent to your registered email address each time you need access.

For further information on the sign-up and access process please see the Accessing the Lead Practitioner system page.


If you require assistance at any time please email the SSAT Lead Practitioner team at lpaccreditation@ssatuk.co.uk